About Internal Quality Assurance System

According to the Indonesian Republic Constitution N.12/2012 about higher education, internal quality assurance system in higher education consist of systems that developed by the university and implemented through Internal Quality Audit, Quality Documents and Quality Assurance Team


Internal Quality Audit

Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia number 62 of 2016 concerning the Quality Assurance System for Higher Education in Article 5 Paragraph 1 states that SPMI has a cycle of activities consisting of setting higher education standards, implementing higher education standards, evaluating the implementation of higher education standards , controlling the implementation of higher education standards, and improving higher education standards. Regarding the evaluation of the implementation of higher education standards, in Paragraph 2 it is stated that the evaluation is carried out through an Internal Quality Audit.

Internal Quality Audit (AMI) Goals:
  • Knowing the achievement of standards in study programs and work units;
  • Evaluate the capabilities of the standard;
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of implementing SPMI in achieving standards;
  • Identify opportunities for improvement in study programs and work units.



Quality Documents

In order for this internal quality assurance system to be implemented, Swiss German University academic quality standards were prepared, which are higher education standards set by the university as a reference in the implementation of the academic process. Evaluation of this academic process will be carried out through study program assessments.



Quality Assurance Team

In implementing an internal quality assurance system, Swiss German University formed a specific working group involving parties who implement and have a direct impact on quality assurance in study programs or work units.