Swiss German University Accreditation Profile
SGU Profile at Government Platform
PEMUTU is a portal for the accreditation extension mechanism implemented as a mandate from PERMENDIKBUDRISTEK N. 53/2023 concerning quality assurance of higher education, facilitated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. If you wish to access the information please click the link below.
PDDIKTI or Pangkalan Data DIKTI or Higher Education Repository is a platform/portal that collect all national data from all kind of organization that held higher education activity, from academy to university, the data integrated in national level. If you wish to access the information please click the link below.
Study Program Accreditation Status
No. | Study Program | Accreditation Grade | Accreditation Body | Decree Number | End Period |
1 | Mechanical Engineering (S1) | Baik Sekali / B | LAM TEKNIK | 0005/SK/LAM Teknik/AS/IV/2023 | 2027/10/31 |
2 | Industrial Engineering (S1) | Baik Sekali / B | BAN-PT | 9958/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/VIII/2021 | 2026/06/29 |
3 | Informatic Engineering (S1) | Baik Sekali / B | BAN-PT | 11239/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/IX/2021 | 2026/09/29 |
4 | Mechanical Engineering (S2) | Baik Sekali / B | BAN-PT | 10732/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/IX/2021 | 2026/06/10 |
5 | Informatic Engineering (S2) | Baik Sekali / B | LAM INFOKOM | 140/SK/LAM-INFOKOM/Ak/M/XII/2022 | 2028/02/27 |
6 | Biomedical Engineering (S1) | Baik Sekali / B | LAM TEKNIK | 0453/SK/LAM Teknik/AS/XII/2023 | 2028/12/20 |
7 | Chemical Engineering (S1) | Baik Sekali / B | BAN-PT | 8704/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/VI/2021 | 2026/06/10 |
8 | Food Technology (S1) | Baik Sekali / B | BAN-PT | 5517/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/IX/2020 | 2025/12/29 |
9 | Management (S1) | Unggul / A | LAM EMBA | 499/DE/A.5/AR.10/VII/2023 | 2027/08/15 |
10 | Communication Science (S1) | Baik Sekali / B | BAN-PT | 719/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.Ppj/S/III/2024 | 2029/03/02 |
11 | Accounting | Baik / C | BAN-PT | 4579/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.Ppj/S/VII/2022 | 2026/10/20 |
12 | Management (S2) | Baik Sekali / B | LAM EMBA | 860/DE/A.5/AR.10/XI/2023 | 2028/12/19 |
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